Happy 4th! And A Free Music Download From The M… @ m3dots.com


Matthew R. Walker [The M…]

Happy Independence Day Week and Weekend from The M… ;a

Hello, Everyone!

Hope that you are doing well. I wanted to send you a quick email to wish you a happy 4th of July as well as make a few announcements.

1) I hope that you enjoyed the holiday week and weekend as America celebrates Independence Day. There is nothing like a short work week for those of us that had the time off. I hope that your holiday week and weekend was filled with joy, inspiration and no-fireworks-injuries!

2) I joined a group! “Conclave Download”. Joseph Wells, Jeff Love and I joined musical forces so that we can have a bigger impact.

3) We released a new song today! ‘ReEvaluate’. Any of these links below should enable you to listen, download, and/or comment.




4) The new album is scheduled to be released in late September 2013. I’d be grateful to you for pre-ordering the album. You will be first to hear it.

5) Thank you! Stay in touch so that we can keep you posted.

Very respectfully,

Matthew R. Walker [The M…]

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Free Downloads from The M… at m3dots.com


Matthew R. Walker [The M…]

Free Music Downloads from The M… ;a

Hello, Everyone!

Next time you visit my website, you will find more free downloads. Thank you for your continued support and attention. Hope that you enjoy it.


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New Single from The M… “Monument”


Matthew R. Walker [The M…]

“Monument” New Single from The M… featuring Nicholas Skinner

Hello, Everyone!

Here is a new release. Hope that you enjoy it.


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